Teyla’s dream vision of a Wraith Queen – The Gift (1×18) –
Rachel Luttrell
Mentioned in SGA:Legacy as Osprey of whose blood line Teyla has inherited her Wraith DNA
Teyla’s dream vision of a Wraith Queen – The Gift (1×18) –
Rachel Luttrell
Mentioned in SGA:Legacy as Osprey of whose blood line Teyla has inherited her Wraith DNA
Gordon – (name given in Wraithal Discrimination) –
Wraithal Discrimination/The Gift (1×18) –
James Lafazanos
Darrell (name given in Wraithal Discrimination) –
Wraithal Discrimination / The Gift (1×18)
Jeffrey Robinson
Bob – (name given on the show)
The Gift (1×18), The Siege, part I (1×19) –
James Lafazanos